对美国的溯源,我们有了重大发现!( 四 )

The Wall Street Journal editorial board:
I am a Chinese media person from BUYIDAO , I noticed that your newspaper published an article on the website on May 23, 2021, call “Three researchers from Wuhan Virus Research Institute visited the hospital in November 2019, its symptoms are consistent with neocoronavirus ”
Relevant Chinese experts have made several clarification on this matter and refuted such claims 。On Thursday, Yuan Zhiming, director of China‘s National Biosafety Laboratory and professor at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, said at a press conference that no employees or students at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were infected with the coronavirus, and before December 30,2019,WIV did not contact, preserve or study the novel coronavirus,and it never designed, made or leaked the virus 。
I wonder if your newspaper has taken note of these clarifications and verified the veracity of your report, and would you make some correction about your previous report?
Should the names of the three researchers at the Wuhan Virus Institute be further disclosed?
Thank you! And look forward for your reply 。
截至文章发表时,“补壹刀”尚未收到回复 。
我们等着 。