order是什么意思(so that,in order that,in order to)

对于so that, in order that ,in order to,so as to,so..... that和such.... that,你是不是一脸懵,那你应该看看这个!
order是什么意思(so that,in order that,in order to)

表示目的的连词有很多,有so, so that, in order that ,in order to,so as to等等,那么它们各自的用途与它们之间的区别是什么呢?
so that“以至于,以便”
1. 表目的 。是“以至于,以便”的意思
它和so ....that不一样, (省略出是个形容词) 在非正式语体中, so可以代替so that引出目的状语从句 。
Telephone him at once so( that) he may not worry about us.
请马上给他打个电话,以便让他不担心我们 。
2. 它还可以表示结果,引导结果状语从句,一般用逗号与主句隔开 。
All photos I have no reservations,
so that you understand it?
3. so that后面跟的是一个长句子,引导目的状语从句,此时意义上等同于in order that ,但是in order that可以放在句首,而so that则不能放在句首 。
In order that everyone present might hear her clearly, she raised her voice again.
为了使在场的每个人都能听清楚,她再次提高了声音 。
order是什么意思(so that,in order that,in order to)

in order that “为了,以便”
1. 用于虚拟语气中, 在正式语体中, in order that引导的状语从句有时也采用现在时虚拟语气 。
They removed the prisoner in order that he not disturb the procceedings any further .
他们把犯人移走,以便他不再扰乱游行队伍 。
上句中的he not disturb也可以用he should not disturb 来替换 。
2. in order that 与情态动词连用
在in order that从句中可以使用can,could,may,
might,should,would等情态动词 。
【order是什么意思(so that,in order that,in order to)】We do not read history simply for pleasure,
but in order that we may discover the laws of political growth and change.
我们阅读历史不单纯是为了娱乐,而是为了可以从中发现政治发展和政治演变的规律 。
注意:so that与in order that
in order that用于相当正式的语体中,表示经过精心策划的目的,有时可与so that互换 。
so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might/will /would shoul等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是“因此:所以” 。
The little boy saved every coin, so that he could buy his mother a presenton Mother's day.
这个小男孩把每一枚硬币都存了下来,这样他就能在母亲节给他妈妈买一份礼物了 。
order是什么意思(so that,in order that,in order to)

in order to “为了”
in order to后面接动词原型,用来表目的,它所引导的是目的状语 。in order to可以放在句首,in order to后面跟的是一个短语,而in order that 后面跟的是一个句子 。
In order to do this you have to build up confidence.
为了做到这一点,你一定要建立起自信 。
We all get up early in order that we might start at seven.
我们都早点起床,以便我们可以七点钟出发 。
so..... that和such.... that