winter是什么意思(In Winter 在冬天)

winter是什么意思(In Winter 在冬天)
“What do you do in winter?” asked the girl.
“在冬天你会做什么呢?”女孩儿问 。
The bird said, “The winter is cold here, I don’t like to be cold!
小鸟儿说:“这里的冬天很冷 , 我怕冷 。
I fly away for the winter.
冬天我会飞走 。
I go to a warm and sunny place.”
飞到一个温暖晴朗的地方 。”
winter是什么意思(In Winter 在冬天)
“What do you do in winter?” asked the girl.
“在冬天你会做什么呢?”女孩儿问 。
“The winter is snowy here,” said the bat.
“冬天这里会下雪”蝙蝠说 。
“ I stay out of the snow.
“我不会到雪里去 。
I nap in my cave all winter long.
整个漫长的冬天我都会在我的洞穴里睡觉 。
My friends nap there,too!”
winter是什么意思(In Winter 在冬天)
“What do you do in winter?” asked the girl.
“在冬天你会做什么呢?”女孩儿问 。
The frog said, “The winter is icy here.
青蛙说:“冬天这里会结冰 。
It’s too cold for me!
I like the mud under the ice,
我喜欢冰下的泥地 , 
I sleep in the mud all winter.”
winter是什么意思(In Winter 在冬天)
“What do you do in winter?” asked the girl.
“在冬天你会做什么呢?”女孩儿问 。
“Winter is a chilly time,” said the squirrel.
“冬天是一个寒冷的季节”松鼠说 , 
“I like to be warm in winter.
“我喜欢在冬天也暖暖的 。
I snuggle with my friends!
We keep each other warm!”
winter是什么意思(In Winter 在冬天)
“What do you do in winter?” asked the girl.
“在冬天你会做什么呢?”女孩儿问 。
The beaver said, “Ice covers my pond in winter.
海狸说:“冬天冰雪会封住我的水塘 。
I don’t mind the ice.
我不在意冰雪 。
I swim under it and go into my den.
我在冰下游泳然后钻进我的巢穴 。
My den keeps me nice and cozy!”
我的巢穴让我温暖舒适 。”
winter是什么意思(In Winter 在冬天)
“What do you do in winter?” asked the girl.
“在冬天你会做什么呢?”女孩儿问 。
“Winter snow is white,” said the rabbit.
“冬天的雪是白色的”兔子说 。
“I grow snowy white fur.
“我长着雪一样白的毛发 , 
It keep me warm.
它能让我保持温暖 , 
It lets me hide,too!
并且利于隐藏 。
【winter是什么意思(In Winter 在冬天)】