CasperLabs 加入AWS MP,为开发者带来使用企业区块链的新选择

Developers can now deploy Casper nodes using Amazon Web Services and more easily access AWS developer tools.
开发者可通过亚马逊云计算服务(AWS)来部署Casper节点,从而更轻松地使用AWS开发者工具 。
We’re thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to give developers and organizations building on the Casper Network the ability to directly deploy node infrastructures and design private networks for product testing via AWS.
我们很高兴地宣布,我们与AWS建立了合作关系,在Casper 网络上建设的开发者和组织将能够直接部署节点基础设施,并通过 AWS规划用于产品测试的私有网络 。
Since rolling out in 2006, AWS has established itself as the de facto leader in the global cloud storage space, and the organization’s highly reliable, scalable, low-cost cloud services now power over a hundred thousand businesses worldwide. Given AWS’ ongoing presence in nearly 200 countries, Casper Network node operators around the world will now have the capability to quickly and securely deploy and connect nodes to the public network instead of waiting weeks for hardware. This makes it easier than ever for developers building smart contracts or other solutions to spin up Casper nodes rapid development and prototype their products.
AWS自2006年推出以来,已经为全球十几万家企业提供支持,凭借其高度可靠、可扩展、低成本的云服务,AWS已跻身全球云存储行业前列 。由于AWS业务范围已覆盖近200个国家,全球各地的Casper网络节点运营商现在将有能力通过AWS快速、安全地部署节点并连接至公共网络,而无需花费数周时间部署硬件 。开发者可以更轻松地构建智能合约或其它启动Casper节点快速开发和产品原型设计的解决方案 。
“This is a milestone for not only the Casper Network, but blockchain technology’s continued emergence into the mainstream,” said Mrinal Manohar, CasperLabs CEO. “Casper has always been focused on providing the best solutions for businesses to design, test, iterate and deploy in Web3 environments efficiently at scale. Working directly with AWS allows us to realize this mission on a much broader scale and within a much shorter time period than would otherwise be possible.”
CasperLabs 首席执行官 Mrinal Manohar 表示:“这不仅是 Casper网络的里程碑事件,也是区块链技术迈向主流的重要节点 。Casper 一直致力于为企业提供在 Web3 环境中高效批量设计、测试、迭代和部署的最佳解决方案 。与 AWS 直接合作是我们在更大范围和更短时间内完成使命的不二之选 。”
As part of this partnership, businesses can now also seamlessly access CasperLabs Professional Services through AWS, making it easier than ever to design and deploy blockchain-enabled solutions to solve critical business challenges. CasperLabs’ in-house team of experienced software engineers is available to help users develop Casper-native smart contracts and integrate new Web3 applications with their existing enterprise solutions, whether their developers are looking to build in a private, public, or hybrid blockchain environment. In other words, enterprise teams and consortiums now have the ability to quickly architect and deploy private networks for solving their business problems, with the additional benefit of access to AWS developer support tools, and extensive ecosystem of partners.
根据合作内容,企业可通过AWS 无缝对接 CasperLabs 的专业服务,让企业在面对棘手的业务难题时可以更加轻松地设计和部署区块链解决方案 。无论用户的开发者希望在私有、公有或混合环境下构建区块链,CasperLabs 经验丰富的软件工程团队都能够帮助他们开发 Casper 原生智能合约,并将新的Web3应用与其现有企业解决方案相融合 。换句话说,企业级团队和财团可以享受AWS开发者支持工具以及广泛的生态伙伴所带来的红利,快速搭建和部署私有网络以解决其业务问题 。