海岛大亨6第六关任务应该怎么如何完成?( 二 )

One can be chosen:
-- +5 TAO index points
-- $5,000
-- S$2,500
>拥有[高尔夫球场] 0/1
>拥有休闲旅客 0/10
-- +5 TAO 指数点
-- $5,000
-- S$2,500
According to the USGA, a scratch golfer is defined as "a player who can play to a Course Handicap of zero on any and all rated golf courses. A male scratch golfer, for rating purposes, can hit tee shots an average of 250 yards and can reach a 470-yard hole in two shots at sea level. A female scratch golfer, for rating purposes, can hit tee shots an average of 210 yards and can reach a 400-yard hole in two shots at sea level."
Scratch Golfer 是高尔夫球术语,指零差点球手
主线任务 06
【Squirrel Mountain / 松鼠山】
Have Park - Size XXL (3x3) 0/4
Have them on 4 different islands
Revenue from tourist fees and accommodations 0/10000
Reward: +5 TAO index points
>拥有3x3 [公园] 0/4
>旅游费和住宿费收入达到 0/10000
奖励:+5 TAO 指数点
可选任务 05
Optional Quest
【Project: Nutcracker / 坚果破碎机】
Have Juicery 1/2
Add upgrade Nutcracker to all Juicery buildings
Acquire Knowledge 0/8888
>拥有[果汁工厂] 1/2
>获得知识点 0/8888
可选任务 06
Optional Quest
【The Secret Ingredient / 秘密成分】
Deliver Uranium to the Cyber Operation Center 0/500
One can be chosen:
-- +10 TAO index points
-- +5 Intellectuals standing
>运送铀矿到[电脑运行中心] 0/500
-- +10 TAO 指数点
-- +5 知识分子派系关系度
可选任务 07
Optional Quest
【Half-Baked / 半成品】
Have at least one Mine (Uranium) with the Dangerous Waste Disposal upgrade
One can be chosen:
-- +5 TAO index points
-- 1 Waste Treatment Facility for free
-- 3 Wind Turbine for free
-- +5 TAO 指数点
-- +1 免费的[废弃物处置设施]
-- +1 免费的[风力发电塔]
主线任务 06
【Going Bananas / 输送香蕉】
Have Ancient Ruins 1/1
Deliver Bananas to the Ancient Ruins
>拥有[古代遗迹] 1/1
主线任务 07
【Operation Fat Squirrel / 胖松鼠任务】
Trap the squirrels on the ancient ruins island by cutting all connections to it
主线任务 08
【Dreamland / 梦想岛】
Have different Entertainment Buildings 0/15
Have an average Fun Happiness 0/70
Reach concurrent Tourists 0/300
Reward: Win game
>拥有不同的娱乐建筑物 0/15
>拥有平均开心幸福度 0/70
>岛上同一时间留存的旅客 0/300
可选任务 08
Optional Quest
【Wet 'n' Furry / 湿漉漉】
Have Aqua Park 0/1
Have Child tourist 0/50
One can be chosen:
-- $5000
-- S$2,500
>拥有[水上乐园] 0/1
>拥有儿童旅客 0/50
-- $5,000
-- S$2,500