1、我们必须找出来,那个包被偷了的人 。We must find the person who stealed a bag.2、你必须告诉我,你那样做的原因 。You must tell me the reason why you did it in that way.3、叫我们外语的老师是John 。The teacher who teaches our English is John.
【10个定语从句带翻译 定语从句10句带翻译】4、他就是昨天我会见的人 。
He is the man I met with yesterday.
5、他父亲在他出生的那年,去世了 。
His father died in the year when he was born.
6、这个就是我去年住过的山村 。
This is the viliage where I lived last year.
7、他找不到他40年以前居住过的地方 。
He can't find the place where he lived 40years ago.
8、迈克尔杰克逊跳舞的样子棒极了 。
The movements which Micheal dances in is great.
9、上海是一个只要你拼搏,你就会成功的地方 。
Shanghai is a city where only by hard work,do you win.
10、在美国的经济体系当中,那些收入在4千美元左右消费者,对政府拯救经济的方式非常愤怒 。
In the ecnomic system of America,those customers whose income is about 4000dollars get angry about the way in which the goverment saves the economy.
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