名字用英语怎么说 昵称英语怎么说

名字用英语怎么说 昵称英语怎么说

昵称英语怎么说:term of endearment 释义:爱称;昵称;
音标:英 [t??m ?v ?n?d??m?nt] 美 [t??rm ?v ?n?d?rm?nt]
pet name 释义:昵称;爱称
音标:英 [?pet ne?m] 美 [?pet ne?m]
名字用英语怎么说 昵称英语怎么说

昵称英语怎么说例句:1、‘ Darling ’ is a term of endearment.
“亲爱的”是一种昵称 。
2、No term of endearment crossed their lips.
他们彼此没说过爱慕的话 。
3、I use it strictly as a term of endearment, father.
严格讲 。它是表示亲爱的术语 。爸爸 。
4、All right, I got a little pet name I use for white people.
没问题 。我给白人起了个小外号 。
5、Just started you to shout "pet name" time, my first came out.
刚开始你在喊“爱称”的时候 。我第一个出来了 。
6、This paper aims to carry on a new exploration about translation from the field of "pet name".
本文主要从昵称这一领域对翻译学进行一次新探讨 。
【名字用英语怎么说 昵称英语怎么说】7、All his family members call his pet name& Xiaoju.
家里人都叫他的小名&小举 。
8、He addressed her by her pet name.
他用她的昵称称呼她 。
9、Tom is the pet name of Thomas.
汤姆是托马斯的爱称 。
10、Benny is a pet name for the rabbit.
本尼是对这只兔子的爱称 。
11、Her car's pet name is Betsy.
百喜是她的车子的昵称 。
12、Teddy was her pet name for him.
泰迪是她给他起的爱称 。
13、Her hair as white as snow, she was irrigating green grasses in tears, lowly whisper her son's pet name.
她白发如雪 。正在含泪为青草浇水 。低声呼唤儿子的乳名 。
14、Give your new pet a name!
15、Now Delilah was stuck with a burdensome pet whose name she refused to utter.
现在黛利拉被这个烦人的宠物纠缠着 。她都不想叫她的名字 。
16、I'll get a pet, and name him Pete.
我得到一个宠物 。给它取名叫Pete 。
17、-What is your pet pig's name?