2022新表情符号草图发布:有摇头脸 还有那只鹅( 二 )

"It is most likely going to be used when we are metaphorically or physically shook," he said. "But a lot of the rationale behind this has been - how can we convey what happens to a person when they're undergoing the experience of being in an earthquake?
他说:“当我们真的在摇头或心里想摇头的时候最有可能使用这一表情符号 。但是这个符号背后还有很多隐含意思 , 比如 , 我们要如何传达一个人遭遇地震的感受呢?”
"It's also quite a common visual cue in comic books and cartoons, where people shake their heads so rapidly because they're shocked or flabbergasted."
“摇头在漫画书和动画片中也是一种很常用的视觉提示 , 漫画和动画人物会因为震惊或目瞪口呆而快速摇头 。”
He added that their designer probably took "healthy inspiration" from the goose video game for the relevant emoji - but it has meaning beyond that.
布罗尼补充道 , 表情符号设计师很可能从《鹅作剧》游戏中汲取了“健康的灵感” , 从而设计出了相关的表情符号 , 但是这只鹅的含义绝不止于此 。
"In the case of the goose, the concept goes back to how we use language in an expressive way," he said. "What other things can we say with these emojis?
他说:“说到鹅符号的概念 , 我们可以想一想人类如何用富有表现力的方式来使用语言 , 我们还能用这些表情符号表达出什么含义呢?”
"How can we forget the English idiom 'silly goose'? Through the emoji, that English language idiom becomes a piece of knowledge that can be represented across cultures."
【2022新表情符号草图发布:有摇头脸 还有那只鹅】“我们怎么能忘记英语习语中的‘呆头鹅’呢?通过这个表情符号 , 这个习语得以在跨文化交流中进行传达 。”