2022新表情符号草图发布:有摇头脸 还有那只鹅

在世界表情包日来临之际 , 又有一批新表情符号草图和网友见面啦!这次公布的入围表情符号虽然只有31个 , 但是却收获了不少好评 , 来看看都有哪些好玩又好用的新表情符号吧!
2022新表情符号草图发布:有摇头脸 还有那只鹅


Credit: Emojipedia
A shaking head, new heart colours and a familiar goose are among a new group of emojis set to be released this year.
摇头脸、新颜色的爱心、熟悉的鹅……这些都是今年即将上线的新表情符号 。
Unicode Consortium's list contains only 31 new emojis, which expand what can be said through pictures and symbols in text and online messages.
统一码联盟发布的这组新表情符号只有31个 , 这些表情符号可以通过图案和象征符号表达出短信和在线留言的言外之意 。
This is a much smaller release than last year's 112 emojis, which included pregnant people, a crutch and a low battery sign.
这次发布的表情符号数量远远少于去年的112个 , 去年的表情符号包括孕妇、拐杖和电量不足等图标 。
The succinct release has been met with a mostly positive response online.
尽管数量少 , 但是这组表情符号在网上得到的反馈大多是正面的 。
The emojis will go through a final round of approval in September before they are released.
这组表情符号还需要在9月份通过最后一轮审批才能发布 。
Emoji reference website Emojipedia said while some emojis may not make the final version, most that reach this stage are confirmed.
表情符号参考网站Emojipedia表示 , 尽管有些表情符号也许未能入选最终版本 , 但是这次公布的大多数表情符号都已确定入选 。
The inclusion of the goose emoji has drawn comparisons to indie gaming hit Untitled Goose Game, which sees players take control of a horrible goose.
新增的鹅表情符号让人联想起热门独立游戏《鹅作剧》 , 玩家在游戏中要操控一只可怕的大鹅 。
But while the design may seem familiar, it may not necessarily look the same when it appears on phones.
尽管这只鹅似曾相识 , 但是在手机上呈现的视觉效果也许不一定和游戏中的那只鹅完全相同 。
2022新表情符号草图发布:有摇头脸 还有那只鹅


Credit: Emojipedia
The chosen emojis are selected by Unicode Consortium, a non-profit organisation based in California.
这些表情符号都是总部在加州的非营利组织统一码联盟挑选出来的 。
Keith Broni, editor in chief of Emojipedia, said the smaller number of emojis this year was an "intentional choice".
Emojipedia网站主编基思·布罗尼表示 , 今年表情符号数量较少是“有意为之” 。
"The Unicode emoji subcommittee want to take more time to consider what will go on the emoji keyboard," he said. "In previous years a lot of things were added.
他说:“统一码联盟的表情符号小组委员会想花更多时间来考虑入选键盘的表情符号 。往年增加了很多表情符号 。”
"They want to look at what can we add that is going to represent symbols that we know or experiences we have had - things like a face being shook or the pink hearts."
“他们考虑增加什么样的表情符号能够代表我们知道的事物或我们曾有过的经历 , 比如摇头脸或粉色爱心 。”
He said people were excited to see the pink heart emoji finally included, but he was particularly interested in the utility of the shaking head.
布罗尼称 , 人们对于粉色爱心终于入选表情符号感到很兴奋 , 但是他对摇头脸的实用性尤其感兴趣 。