在京外籍人士接种新冠疫苗启动 10问回答你的疑惑

在京外籍人士接种新冠疫苗启动 10问回答你的疑惑
目前在京外籍人士接种新冠疫苗年龄要求为18岁及以上 。
本市目前使用的是中国产全病毒灭活疫苗,全程需要接种2剂 。
请有接种意愿的外籍人士关注所在机构和社区通知,有序进行接种 。原则上,在京工作的外籍人士通过所在机构预约,高校外籍师生通过学校预约,其他在京外籍人士通过属地社区预约 。预约成功后,各区将结合本区实际情况安排外籍人士就近接种 。
外籍人士预约报名时需提供有效证件信息,接种现场凭护照及有效停居留证件接种,确保截至第2剂接种日相关证件仍在有效期内 。
接种前,需同步签署知情同意书和免责承诺书,并做好个人防护,主动告知身体状况,由专业人员判定是否符合接种条件 。
已参加北京市社会保障医疗保险的外籍人士,现场出示本市医保参保凭证后,即可免费接种 。未参加北京市社会保障医疗保险的外籍人士如有接种意愿,需个人自费接种,目前费用为93.5元/针剂 。
接种完成后需在接种点留观区观察30分钟,无不适症状后才可以离开接种点;接种当日注射部位保持干燥并注意个人卫生;如果出现持续发烧等现象,应及时就医并向接种单位报告 。
北京“健康宝”境外人士使用版(Health Kit)将于近期开通新冠疫苗接种凭证下载打印功能 。外籍人士可在完成第2剂接种后登录北京“健康宝”境外人士使用版自行下载打印接种凭证 。
接种疫苗后虽然可以产生免疫力,可以大大降低感染风险,但任何疫苗保护作用不可能100%,部分人接种后有可能不产生足够抗体,仍然会有感染风险,特别是在还没有建立起免疫屏障的情况下 。所以,即使打完疫苗,请外籍人士也保持戴口罩、勤洗手、保持社交距离等良好卫生习惯 。
接种疫苗可以在一定程度上降低感染风险,但任何疫苗的保护效果都不能达到100%,必要时请外籍人士配合相关部门进行核酸检测 。
COVID-19 Vaccination for Foreigners in Beijing Started
Acting on the State Council’s instruction, Beijing has started COVID-19 vaccination for foreign nationals in the city.
Foreign nationals within the age group specified below may, following the principle of voluntary participation, giving informed consent and assuming personal responsibility for risk, take COVID-19 vaccine.
The following are answers to TEN most asked questions by foreign nationals in Beijing:
Q1What is the age requirement for COVID-19 vaccination?
Foreign nationals at the age of 18 and above in Beijing are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination.
Q2What type of vaccine will be used?
China’s domestic inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will be used, and two doses are required.
Q3How to make an appointment for vaccination?
Foreign nationals who wish to be vaccinated may check notices issued either by their employers or their residential community offices, and take vaccine in a planned way. Generally, foreign nationals working in Beijing should make appointments through their employers; foreign teachers and students in colleges and universities should make appointments through such institutions, and other foreign nationals in Beijing should make appointments through their residential community offices. After appointments are made, foreign nationals may take vaccine nearby as arranged by local district authorities.