在京外籍人士接种新冠疫苗启动 10问回答你的疑惑( 二 )
Q4What documents should be provided for vaccination?
Foreign nationals should provide valid documents when making appointments and present their passports and valid residence permits at the vaccination site. Please make sure that relevant documents are valid on the date of taking the second dose.
Q5What papers should I sign?
Before taking vaccine, you should sign both a form of informed consent and a statement of bearing personal responsibility for all risks associated with vaccination. Please take necessary precautions and inform the vaccine giving personnel of your health condition so that they can decide whether you can take vaccine.
Q6Should I pay for the vaccine?
Foreign nationals who have joined Beijing’s social medical insurance scheme may take vaccine free of charge by presenting due insurance document on the vaccine taking site. Those who have not should currently pay a charge of 93.5 RMB per dose.
Q7What care should I take after taking vaccine?
You should stay at the vaccine taking site for 30 minutes of observation and may then leave if you have no adverse reaction. Keep the injection point dry on the day of vaccination and maintain personal hygiene. You should immediately seek medical help and alert the vaccine provider if you develop a persistent fever.
Q8How do I get the vaccination certificate?
Beijing Health Kit (Jian Kang Bao) mini-app for people from outside the country will soon have a new feature of printing the COVID-19 vaccination certificate, which foreign nationals may access after taking the second dose.
Q9Do I need to wear a mask
after being vaccinated?
Vaccination will produce immunity from COVID-19 and greatly reduce infection risks. However, no vaccine is 100% effective; some people may have insufficient antibodies after taking vaccine and they can still be vulnerable to infection, especially when an immunologic barrier is not yet created. So it is important that you should wear masks, wash hands regularly, and keep social distance.
Q10Do I still have to take nucleic acid test after being vaccinated?
Can my vaccine taking certificate substitute for nucleic acid test report?
【在京外籍人士接种新冠疫苗启动 10问回答你的疑惑】Vaccine taking can reduce infection risks, but no vaccine is 100% effective. When necessary, foreign nationals should still take nucleic test as required.
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