说说爱情伤感句子短语英文 伤感爱情说说英文

说说爱情伤感句子短语英文 伤感爱情说说英文

1、连准备的时间也没有给予的告别 。
Not even time to prepare to give farewell.
2、送我一颗有毒的心 , 你叫我如何收下 。
Send me a poisonous heart. How can I take it.
3、原来不快乐旳孩子不止我一个 。
I am not the only one who is unhappy.
4、发呆这事 , 如果做得好 , 那就是深沉 。
Stupidity, if done well, is deep.
5、你身边好拥挤 , 我没法靠近你 。
Its so crowded around you that I cant get close to you.
6、梦如风的行进 , 残雪孤独 , 野草疯长 。
Dream like the wind, snow alone, wild grass growing.
7、已经习惯了 , 一个人的日子 。
Have been used to, a persons day.
8、如果说谁是我的弱点 , 那一定是你 。
If who is my weakness, it must be you.
9、格式化自己 , 只为删除你 。
Format yourself just to delete you.
10、曾经我们最美好 , 现在你们最美好 。
【说说爱情伤感句子短语英文 伤感爱情说说英文】Once we were the best, now you are the best.