
【回应华为事件,王毅举起拳头:不做沉默的羔羊】3月8日10时,在梅地亚中心新闻发布厅举行的采访人员会上 , 国务委员兼外交部长王毅用不当“沉默的羔羊”总结孟晚舟案 。
3月8日上午10时,十三届全国人大二次会议新闻中心在梅地亚中心新闻发布厅举行采访人员会 , 邀请国务委员兼外交部长王毅就“中国外交政策和对外关系”相关问题回答中外采访人员提问 。
谈及华为事件,王毅表示,此事是蓄意的政治打压,中方支持相关企业和个人拿起法律武器来维护自身权益 。一边说 , 王毅一边举起了拳头 。
China supports Huawei for refusing to be ‘victimized like silent lambs’: Chinese FM
Raising his right fist in the air, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Friday that China resolutely supports Chinese companies and its citizens in seeking legal redress to protect their own interests and refusing to be victimized like “silent lambs,” showing China’s attitude toward cases involving Chinese high-tech firms like Huawei which observers believe is facing a politically motivated crackdown by the US.
周五,国务委员兼外交部长王毅举起右拳说,中国坚决支持中国企业和公民拿起法律武器来维护自身权益,不当“沉默的羔羊” 。显示出中国对待涉及像华为这样的中国高科技企业 , 遭受美国政治打压时的态度 。


Wang made the remarks at a press conference in Beijing on the sidelines of the second session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC).
王毅是在十三届全国人大二次会议新闻中心采访人员会上作出这番表态的 。
“The recent action against a particular Chinese company and individual is by no means a pure judicial case, but a deliberate political crackdown on them,” Wang said, while noting that “People can tell right and wrong; justice will have its day.”
“最近针对中国特定企业和个人的行为根本不是什么单纯的司法案件,而是蓄意的政治打压,”王毅说道,并指出“公道自在人心,正义终将到来 。”
“What we are standing up for is not just the interests of a company, but also a country or a nation’s legitimate right to development and by extension, the due right of all countries who wish to climb up the technology ladder,” China’s top diplomat said.
“我们今天要维护的,不仅仅是一个企业的权益 , 而是一个国家、一个民族的正当发展权利,更是世界上所有希望提高自身科技发展水平国家的应有权利,”中国外交部长说道 。


Chinese telecom giant Huawei announced on Thursday it is suing the US government to challenge the US over its ban on the use of Huawei products.
中国电信巨头华为公司周四宣布,将起诉美国政府,挑战美国对华为产品的禁令 。
The Shenzhen-based company filed a lawsuit in a US District Court in Plano, Texas, seeking a declaratory judgment that the restrictions targeting Huawei are unconstitutional, and a permanent injunction against these restrictions.
华为在美国德克萨斯州普莱诺的联邦地区法院提起诉讼,希望法院判定针对华为的限制措施违反宪法,同时颁发永久性禁令,禁止实施该限制措施 。